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Wedding on the Shores of Lake Garda🌈 After the rain, there’s always a rainbow
An Italian-Indian couple's dream wedding on Lake Garda, planned by Angela Salzano. A lakeside ceremony, rainbow fireworks, and love.

Why couples choose a destination wedding in Italy?
The start of any major event such as a wedding is an exhilarating yet stressful period. From the moment you announce your engagement on...

SOS matrimonio: le 5 cose da fare subito dopo la proposta di matrimonio
Ci siamo: l’anello, tanto atteso, è finalmente arrivato. Il cuore vi batte a mille: siete ufficialmente fidanzati! E adesso da dove si...

SOS wedding: 5 things to do after a marriage proposal.
You’ve just got the ring, your heart is pounding: you are getting married! What now? 1.Spread the word! According to custom, your parents...

I dettagli fanno la differenza… Details make the difference ...
“Piccoli dettagli che risultano impercettibili decidono tutto” (W.G. Sebald ). Parliamo spesso di dettagli quando apprezziamo l’arte, la...
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